Tag Archives: content marketing

What has football taught me about digital marketing?

Writing an article about digital marketing and basing it around football might seem like a strange choice. Well, let me make it stranger still by invoking the words of a Nobel Prize-winning French author, journalist and philosopher to explain my thinking: “After many years during which I saw many things, what I know most surely […]

The UK’s Top Comedians by Search Volume

Being a former stand-up comedian (Don’t just take my word for it – “Head, shoulders, knees and toes above the rest…mighty stage presence and impressively high punchline ratio” Brian Donaldson, Scotsman), inevitably my use of search stats was eventually going to turn towards the state of comedy in the UK. With the Edinburgh Fringe looming, […]

Irn Bru turns Google Scottish in London

Preferring to identify myself as a ‘creative’ and swan around digital marketing offices drinking herbal tea and looking tortured, I’ve sometimes been guilty of glazing over when it comes to search volume research. Recently though, I’ve had a change of heart. Consider me a convert to data-driven content. Edinburgh vs. Glasgow Having a background in […]

Digital Media and the Journey of Insidious Intent

In honour of World Poetry Day, March 21 2015… There are times I more acutely see the generation gap wrenching open before me like a canyon on the landscape of digital marketing. I’m on one side yelling across the chasm to my talented colleagues in the paid media department, asking such questions as how does […]

5 party stereotypes to avoid during a blogger outreach campaign

At DAC (formerly known as Ambergreen), we carry out blogger outreach for a number of clients. Digitally conversing with bloggers about products, events and content is a little like networking at a party. Invariably, you will know a little about those you are talking to, after all they regularly post about their lives online, but […]

Part 2: Native Programmatic Advertising

With the first part of the long anticipated Native advertising guidelines recently released by IAB, digital marketing focus has shifted once more to Native Advertising. What adds to the excitement is that the IAB is close to completing the OpenRTB API Specification 2.3, which for the first time includes two buzzwords of the digital marketing […]

Digital PR 7 years later.. #TBT

There’s nothing like looking back looking at the archives at what we were having discussions about in 2008. The sentiment of what we were talking about hasn’t really changed. I wrote this original blog post while I was still in my 30’s and X Factor’s Alexandra Burke had the best selling single of the year, […]

The Four Paradoxes of Digital Copywriting

Copywriters and content marketers are at a metaphorical junction. On the one hand there is a need for great copy that is engaging, informative and rooted in ideas and, on the other, there is a need to produce more and more of it in an increasingly faster paced environment, which runs the risk of diluting […]

B2B marketers choose content optimisation as a top priority for 2015

Econsultancy have just released their first Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing of 2015. Wading through the ton of data they give you in these reports, we were never far away from the ‘content’ word. Content Optimisation was a rising star in 2014, cited on many occasions as the most exciting opportunity for B2B marketers. Before we […]

PRCA Digital PR Report Event – Glasgow 11/12/2014

The PRCA (Public Relations Consultants Association) have just finished a tour around the country discussing the findings of their latest report into how the PR industry is evolving in the digital age. We caught up with them on a freezing cold night in Glasgow at the Radisson Blu. Danny Whatmough of Weber Shandwick presented the […]