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White Papers

Digital marketing is a spectrum. At one end, there is an almost unlimited supply of granular data, down to the tiniest transactional details. At the other end, there are global trends that relentlessly reshape, redefine, and revolutionize entire industries.

But how do you consolidate the two to truly understand what’s going on—and what’s likely to happen? Research, research, and more research. Delve into our white papers as we explore strange new phenomena, seek out new trends and opportunities, and boldly go where no agency has gone before.

Navigating AI disruption: A CMO’s strategic blueprint
Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Understanding the AI transformation.

Marketers Are Caught Up In Generative AI’s Hype
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Explore the influence of generative AI on marketing. Navigate strategies for transformative success. Your key guide to mastering generative AI in marketing.

Predictions 2024
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Embrace the imminent shifts in marketing driven by new technologies, platforms, regulations, and evolving consumer behavioUrs.

How to make brands safer and stronger in an AI World
Monday, September 11, 2023

Stay ahead of the AI game and strike the right balance between AI benefits and brand safety—download our exclusive report today.

Breaking down the myths of marketing mix modeling
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Most brands view MMM as a critical part of the analytics toolkit, but are often misled about what it can and cannot do.

Woman on iphone looking for directions Why Local Presence Management is critical to brand health
Monday, April 03, 2023

New research shows the power of local presence management to increase brand discovery and drive a multitude of business outcomes

Full-funnel media Plan for long-term growth with a full-funnel performance mindset
Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Full-funnel media is the key to marketing resiliently during disruptive times and beyond.

Shoppers playing ping pong in a store Retail Renaissance: Experiential Retail
Tuesday, February 01, 2022

When is a shop more than a shop? Explore experiential retail and learn how innovators are pioneering a new world of “retailtainment” in the digital age.

Digital marketing in 2022
Saturday, January 01, 2022

This is your essential rundown of the major trends set to shape the next 12 months in digital media, local marketing, analytics, content strategy, and more.

The Rise of Voice Search: Make Your Brand Heard
Monday, September 30, 2019

Voice technology is suddenly ubiquitous. See how it’s reinventing local search⁠—and find out how you can prepare your brand to thrive in an exciting a new era.

Coffee shop worker smiling at his shop door. Enterprise-to-Local Digital Marketing Playbook
Monday, August 27, 2018

To a consumer, quickly finding accurate information about a local store or completing a purchase journey in a store, even if they began it online, is the new expectation.

Three friends enjoying hamburgers together Serving Up Consumer Insights: Quick Service and Fast Casual Restaurants
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

In the restaurant industry today, an authentic voice is just as important as authentic food. Mobile ordering, restaurant apps and social sharing are all changing the way customers find and experience food on the go.

Woman sitting on the deck of a small wooden boat in tropical waters Departures, Destinations and Disruptors
Friday, February 16, 2018

Travel and hospitality has been turned upside-down by the digital revolution—just like any industry. But this isn’t just any industry: this is a unique market with unique characteristics.

A row of sitting people all using their smartphones The Future of Digital Marketing is Now: Are You Ready?
Thursday, October 12, 2017

It’s more important than ever for marketers to align to user intent and remain relevant throughout the consumer decision journey.

Shopping bags arranged beneath a row of people sitting on a large concrete handrail Digital-First Consumers
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The retail industry has been bombarded by unprecedented change in recent years. Brands that have failed to adapt are feeling the squeeze, and it’s not only happening online: we’re witnessing the biggest wave of store closures in decades.

Two Apple employees seen through the reflection of a window on a busy street The Apple Effect
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

We’re not saying consumers are superheroes, but they do wield incredible power in the digital era. Their buying behavior can make or break a business—especially in banking and financial services, which have long relied on brick-and-mortar locations to reach and serve their customers.