Monthly Archives: January 2018

What the Changes to Facebook’s Newsfeed Mean for Marketers

Over the next few weeks, Facebook will be making the most significant shift to the News Feed that they have in years. The updated algorithm will prioritize what users’ friends and family share, while de-emphasizing content shared by publishers and brands. The rationale for this, per Facebook, is that it will enrich users’ feeds with […]

What it Means to be a #GeekWithPersonality

What does it mean to be a #GeekWithPersonality? Between the free breakfast and snacks, four weeks’ vacation, flex hours, treadmill desk and ping pong table, it’s almost easy to forget that we’re one of the UK’s fastest-growing agencies driving brand performance down to the hyper-local level (we said almost!). We have an amazing team of curious and courageous […]

What businesses need to know about WhatsApp Business

Yesterday, popular messaging service WhatsApp announced the launch of WhatsApp Business, which it says it has designed with small businesses in mind, to help them communicate more easily with their customers. It claims it will also make it more convenient for its 1.3 billion users to chat with businesses that matter to them. Business who make use […]

Localizing Your E-commerce Digital Media Strategy

Despite its proven impact on results, localisation is still an overlooked opportunity for many brands with a mature e-commerce digital media program. Many multichannel retailers view localisation as a means to capture online consumers and drive them to stores by targeting searchers utilizing a geographic modifier (“near me”, zip code, etc.) or placing ads on […]

IKEA goes a wee bit kooky with its ad campaign targeting new mums

Opinion is likely to be very divided over IKEA’s new magazine promotion, which offers discounted cribs to expecting mums. The only catch is that the woman must pee on the ad, and if they are pregnant, the promo code will be revealed! The ad, which is running in Amelia, one of Sweden’s most widely-read women’s […]

Year in Review: 6 Big Google Updates for Local Search in 2017

Google has never been more serious about local search than in 2017: they rolled out new products, features and integrations at a rate previously unseen. Below you’ll find some of the most interesting updates Google rolled out over the last year (plus a 2016 game-changer we just couldn’t leave out): If there’s one thing we […]

Could 2018 be the dawning of calm technology?

The principles of “calm computing” and “calm technology” were coined way back in 1995 by PARC Researchers Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown, in reaction to what they saw as the rise of ubiquitous computing and consequently “feeling overwhelmed and dislocated in the maelstrom of information flying all around us”. Their proposed solution was slightly paradoxical: that more information […]