Monthly Archives: July 2015

Laying the SEO Foundation of your Digital Home

In digital marketing, we often find that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is an afterthought for large brands looking to make a splash in the online space. A combination of lack of understanding, minimal immediate results and a perceived difficulty in measuring the ROI are often the reason for this. As a result, a great deal […]

David Jowett joins Make It Rain as head of DAC Europe

Following the April 2015 acquisition of Make It Rain by North American digital performance agency DAC, David Jowett has been announced President of DAC Europe. In his new role, Jowett will oversee operations, portfolio growth and strategy for DAC, Europe. In addition to exploring new market growth for the parent company, DAC Inc., Jowett will […]

The UK’s Top Comedians by Search Volume

Being a former stand-up comedian (Don’t just take my word for it – “Head, shoulders, knees and toes above the rest…mighty stage presence and impressively high punchline ratio” Brian Donaldson, Scotsman), inevitably my use of search stats was eventually going to turn towards the state of comedy in the UK. With the Edinburgh Fringe looming, […]

Irn Bru turns Google Scottish in London

Preferring to identify myself as a ‘creative’ and swan around digital marketing offices drinking herbal tea and looking tortured, I’ve sometimes been guilty of glazing over when it comes to search volume research. Recently though, I’ve had a change of heart. Consider me a convert to data-driven content. Edinburgh vs. Glasgow Having a background in […]

SEO and SEM: Search The Whole Picture

Since beginning my career in search, the industry has chopped, changed and thrown me a number of curveballs that have challenged and forced me adapt. Through it all though my eagerness to learn both sides of the search spectrum has taught me the areas in which SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) […]

Fitting In to Stand Out

Life comes with an unfortunate contradiction built into it. We all want to fit in… and we all want to stand out. It’s one of those eternal conflicts, like the one football fans face when they scream at a referee to “be consistent” yet also to exercise discretion, ‘interpret’ the rules and “show some common […]

The Visibility Gap in Travel Marketing

Today’s traveller uses more touch points than ever before they rush off and make the final decision on what company or companies they use to book their online travel. In marketing terms this means the more ground your brand can cover, the better. Your audience may looking for a holiday idea, a location, a hotel, […]

Digital Dog Days of Summer: Getting Burned by Useless Content

It must be silly season again. Every summer we seem to get an influx of pointless ‘marketing’ stories that are neither interesting nor particularly relevant, but someone publishes them and we still often read them anyway. I don’t know if it’s because there are a lack of client wins, or the heat, or we’ve just […]

Search positions and click throughs for the UK and US

Search marketing professionals get to see the real search terms that people use to reach your website on a daily basis; the days of stumbling about in the dark, trying to work out what search terms were used on Google are pretty much over. Google’s webmaster tools now shows us far more information than ever […]