Monthly Archives: November 2015

Rob’s Roundup: Google Makes the Jump to Lightspeed with Star Wars Integrated Campaign

In what might be the biggest cross-brand collaboration since McDonald’s started selling the Barney Rubble Bacon Double Cheeseburger for the Flintstones film, Google and Disney have partnered to create the #ChooseYourSide campaign. So how did this come about in the first place? Clay Bavor, VP of Product Management at Google, posted their response to the […]

The Google AdWords Auction & Bidding Rules

While we, as advertisers, are clear on how the AdWords auction works we think we’ve found a couple of, shall we say, kinks in the model and bidding options. AdWords Auction: The auction model takes a number of factors into consideration when calculating the ad rank. This model is to help ensure that users get […]

5 Essential SEO Predictions to Watch in 2016

As we ring in a new year, we SEOers will once again look to staying one step ahead of Google’s algorithm updates. Will we see another Mobilegeddon? Will Twitter set up a permanent nest in the SERPs? Will Google+ find its purpose in life? In the ever-changing landscape of search marketing, speculating on future advancements […]

Top 5 reasons why businesses CANNOT afford to waste online reviews

Venting in a newspaper used to be the closest a customer could get to leaving a bad review of a local business. Nowadays, there are ample opportunities for customers to sound off, be it via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and increasingly, through online reviews. The review rating is one of many ranking factors Google uses within […]

Is Black Friday already DEAD?

I remember, just a few years ago, sitting on a cold and gloomy November day watching news clips of people fighting over TVs and Barbies, thinking to myself this is insane! It was, of course, Black Friday – the last Friday payday before Christmas where retailers offer hefty discounts.

Insider Q&A: Influencing Point of Purchase in Retail

In this exclusive Insider Q&A, DAC caught up with Dave Rodgerson, Retail Industry Lead, for Microsoft Canada to discuss how emerging technologies continue to spark retail opportunity and influence today’s connected consumer. Can you please provide me with a brief overview of your position at Microsoft Canada? As the Retail Lead for Microsoft Canada, I […]

Best of Reddit roundup

There have been a couple of incredible stories on Reddit recently which go to show of the power of social media. I thought I would pick out two of the best, explaining why I thought they were particularly brilliant.

How To Take Your Business Global: A Tactical SEO Guide

If you’re in Digital Marketing, you’re probably familiar with the term “Glocal.” It’s about thinking global but acting local. Thanks to the internet, everyone’s your neighbour (yes, even that wild-haired hoarder who lives down the hallway) and taking your brand global has never been more opportune. But having the ambition to launch a grand, global strategy […]

Rob’s Roundup: YouTube music App, Happier Without Facebook, Mobile Still the King

This week we’ll take a look at YouTube’s long-awaited music app, a study that finds people are happier when they leave Facebook, and another report that says – you guessed it – people hate a bad mobile phone experience. YouTube Music App While not a replacement for Google Play Music (that’s a different service, much […]