Monthly Archives: May 2014

5 Tips To Improve Your Conversion Rate

Improving your conversion rate can make all the difference if you have a transactional site or a lead generation site. If you have a transactional site you’ll know that acquiring traffic is not sufficient, an ecommerce website also has to convert the visitors into customers. To understand this, the e-merchant needs to use a web […]

A Q&A with Joe McEntee – Our Google Account Strategist

Joe is our new Account Strategist at Google; he answers all our crazy questions, keeps us up to date with the latest developments and advises how we can best integrate them into our clients’ online marketing strategies.  Joe kindly agreed to answer some more of our questions so we wanted to share the results with […]

The Scoop on Converged Media From ClickZ Live

On May 15, I had the opportunity to speak at ClickZ Live Toronto. Representing DAC demands that a strong case is made for optimizing results, and the session did just that. In the age of converged media, integrating earned, owned and paid strategy is enriching consumer experiences and raising ROI for brands through effective lead […]

Click Fraud: The Dark Side of Digital Media

Recently, a number of DAC clients have expressed concern around Click Fraud and the impacts, if any, it could have on their media programs.  I remember in the early 2000s, long before automated PPC bid management was in play, having my own concerns around click fraud and actively monitoring campaigns to see if there really […]

Google Manchester Partners Event 2014

On Wednesday the 30th of April Google hosted a Partners event in Manchester’s Hilton Hotel in Beetham Tower. Standing over 168 meters high, Beetham Tower enjoys spectacular views across the city of Manchester and made for an ideal venue to hear all about Google’s latest news and their “big bets” for the coming year. Google […]

Product Developments in AdWords – What Does it Mean?

We watched with interest and excitement the announcements Jerry Dischler (VP of Product Management at Google) made with regards to the most recent developments of the AdWords Tool Kit. However, the emphasis was less about the tools and the message of putting the constantly connected consumer at the heart of their developments was loud and clear; […]

Our Latest Recruit: Gillian Carmichael – Internet Marketing Consultant

Today we are introducing our latest recruit to the team; Gillian Carmichael, who is joining us an Internet Marketing Consultant GW: How are you? Welcome onboard to Ambergreen. You’ve been brought on board as an Internet Marketing Consultant. As the latest recruit, could you tell me a little about yourself and why the change to […]