DAC Blog Authors Our Latest Recruit: Sharon Smart – Account Manager
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Our Latest Recruit: Sharon Smart – Account Manager

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Grant Whiteside

Today we are introducing the latest member of the Ambergreen Team, Sharon Smart, who is joining us as an Account Manager

GW: How are you? Welcome onboard to Ambergreen. You’ve been brought on board as an Account Manager. As the latest recruit, could you tell me a little about yourself and why the change to Ambergreen.

SS: I’m well thanks, Grant. Excited to get started.

I was born in Hong Kong and have flitted between there and London for most of my life. I moved to Scotland a couple of years ago. I’ve worked in Client Services for coming up to 10 years now, mostly for big agencies, and been involved with a variety of clients across FMCG, Financial Services and Retail. This opportunity came at just the right time in my life and afforded me the chance to share my knowledge, improve and broaden my skill set, and work with some downright lovely people too!

GW: What do you think you can bring to the party?

SS: A solid understanding of brand and best practices. I also believe that nurturing relationships is one of the most important things in this industry, and this is something I’ve always strived to be good at.

GW: What do you think are going to be the biggest challenges and opportunities for our clients in 2014?

SS: Moving out of a primarily offline mindset into the online arena. It’s easy to forget, when you see digital marketing and innovation on the rise, that not everyone is completely comfortable or equipped to be plunged into a digital way of working.

GW: How can you help the clients reach their goals this year? 

SS: I aim to act as a steward, helping to make transitions as easy and efficient as possible. With a focus on insights and learnings, my intention is to partner with colleagues and clients and create a lasting strategy to really drive results.

GE: How will working in a smaller team differ from being part of larger agencies?

SS: Being part of a large agency means that there’s always something going on, making it exciting. On the flip side, it’s easy to get lost in the system and can be harder to make your mark. Anonymity is rife and you can feel like a spectator at times.

It feels refreshing and comforting to be part of a smaller team of people – you feel like what you do will really make a difference and you can cultivate more valuable relationships with your peers.

GW: Any words of wisdom?

SS: Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t.
In other words, don’t get left behind.

Grant Whiteside
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