Monthly Archives: August 2013

5 Blogger Outreach Pitfalls to Avoid

More often than not brands and SEO agencies have a blogger outreach strategy that leaves much to be desired. The difficulty of the whole process has  been greatly underrated, and as bloggers are now a vital part of most successful SEO strategies it is important to make sure you have an effective outreach approach. Here […]

Increase in Direct Traffic from iOS 6 – Explained

As we eagerly await the release of iOS 7 I though it appropriate to have a deeper look into the issue SEOs have faced with iOS 6 over the past year, so that we are fully prepared about what, or what not to expect with Apple’s latest release. What? If, like us, your site or […]

Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate with Embedded Video

You’ve heard it a gazillion times: you have mere seconds to convert users who arrive from paid search. You know the drill… build landing pages with no extraneous copy or navigation, and make sure you drive to a bold form and call to action. Just get them to convert as fast as you can. So […]

Yellow Pages Dirty Little Secret… People still use them!

It’s a fact. We use the Yellow Pages more often than we’d like to admit. I was recently with a client demonstrating the strength of Yellow Pages in their particular vertical.  And before you ask, yes, usage has declined.  However, there are still 11 million references a year to this particular category.  Furthermore, when someone is using […]

Mums and Digital Media

I had my second child back in February, and constantly marvel at how my parenting perspective has changed in the years since my first baby was born.  New parent jitters have been replaced with a calm(er) confidence, new gadgets have made things simpler, and some previously important things have simply fallen by the wayside now […]