Tag Archives: search

2015 Digital Marketing Data and Comms Predictions

Ho Ho Ho As we get into Christmas spirit and everyone digs out their crystal balls and begins to make their predictions for the year ahead, it also gives us time to think about the marketing headlines we read in 2014 and consider that, in reality, we may well put these into practice in 2015. […]

Google Penguin Update 3.0 is released

Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, Google released their latest Penguin update. This is the algorithm update that is supposed to clear out spammy web search results by penalising poor quality links from poor quality web pages. So, has it been a success? The update was rolled out […]

How to migrate your website without killing off your traffic

The website migration is one of the most overlooked hurdles that will leave businesses struggling to survive to reach their business goals for the year. I have never heard of a sales director ever predict a drop in revenue because they were migrating to a new web platform, yet I’ve lost count of the times […]

Google release another Panda update

Google have released another Panda update. Panda is the search filter that identifies pages with ‘thin’ content from being ranked well in search engine results. This is the 27th Panda update; many websites have been affected by these updates over the years, each time webmasters have been asked to add additional, better quality unique content […]

How to migrate your website without killing off your traffic

The website migration is one of the most overlooked hurdles that will leave businesses struggling to survive to reach their business goals for the year. I have never heard of a sales director ever predict a drop in revenue because they were migrating to a new web platform, yet I’ve lost count of the times […]

Click Fraud: The Dark Side of Digital Media

Recently, a number of DAC clients have expressed concern around Click Fraud and the impacts, if any, it could have on their media programs.  I remember in the early 2000s, long before automated PPC bid management was in play, having my own concerns around click fraud and actively monitoring campaigns to see if there really […]

A Solution for Keywords Not Provided

Google started to change the way we saw organic search terms being reported in Google Analytics in the autumn of 2011. As the number of ‘secured’ searches grew, the number of organic search queries recorded and displayed in GA as ‘not provided’ began to grow. A year later, those single digit metrics were now looking […]

Hummingbird: A Significant Update on Silent Wings

Google rolls out another algorithm update that’s actually been in practice for a fair few months yet Google only just released the details recently. It gives us something new to blog about. Penguins and pandas have become boring; my inbox is continually flooded with notifications and suggested remedies for Google search issues and why SEO […]