DAC Blog Authors 31 questions you should be asked by a marketing agency
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31 questions you should be asked by a marketing agency

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Grant Whiteside

How do businesses use digital marketing to grow their brand and service offering? Every business needs to start somewhere when it comes to reaching to out their new potential audience groups.

So how do you take the CEO’s business plan and turn it into a marketing strategy that can be planned, implemented, measured and aligned back to bottom line profits?

We hear this ‘chicken and egg’ question most days in our agency. The key is to understand what outcomes the business is trying to achieve within a given timescale and budget. It really isn’t about which digital channels you use or which keywords you think may be relevant at this stage, these are nothing more than outcomes that fall out of the research phase of a digital marketing strategy session further down the line.

We know that many brands, especially Start Ups cannot answer all the questions that an agency may want the answers to; the key point being, we want you to start thinking about the uncertainties or opportunities that you haven’t thought of. It’s the difference between taking a commoditised package and taking on a service that specifically works for you and continues to work for you as your business evolves and grows.

So if you are offered 20 links a month, your Facebook page updated monthly, a ‘guaranteed No 1 on Google’, a pointless SERP report and a bitter disappointment, then look no further than your inbox, you won’t have to look far. What you won’t get is a well thought out, robust marketing strategy which is planned and aligned with your business goals.

Here are our top 31 questions you should be asked by a marketing agency before you consider taking things to the next level.

Business and Commercial

Business Objectives – What do want to achieve and by when

Marketing Objectives – Short, medium and long term marketing goals

What are your key target  i/e Cost per enquiry

What is the business proposition?

What are your commercial priorities?

Who are your key competitors?

The Brand

What is the tone of voice?

Describe the brand character?

What supports the proposition?

Is there existing on-line equity?

Customer and Customer Behaviour

Who is your target audience?

What is the current audience perception?

How do you want them to feel/react?

Do you what your customer lifetime value is?

What is the average basket value?

Resource and Implementation

Do you have access to CMS?

What are your ongoing design and development plans?

Content provision – who is currently providing content and who will if you need more content

Industry Experts – do you have any in your company?

Other Marketing Activity

What is you offline marketing activity?

What PR (online and offline)do you do?

Who looks after the strategy and implementation and measurement of Social Media activity?

What are doing with paid media – PPC, Programmatic advertising, Display, Video, Paid Content etc?

Email marketing – tell me about your strategy, how do you measure it, who does it, how often do you email?

Affiliate marketing?

Tell us about Offers / Promos?

Tell us about Events / Exhibitions activity?

Key Calendar Dates for your business?

Results and KPI’s

How will online results/success be measured and communicated internally?

Other Intelligence/Information

Do you want to know more?

Go to https://www.ambergreeninternetmarketing.com/contact/ drop us a line and tells us what your trying to achieve for your business. We would love to hear from you.

Grant Whiteside
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