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Felicia DelVecchio

Felicia DelVecchio

Vice President Digital Media | The Restructure Maven
How I drive performance: In a digital world that's constantly evolving; I always make sure I'm thinking one step ahead.
Favorite food: Cheese. Give me all the cheese.
When I’m not working: At home playing Kitchen with my daughter, Lily.
Tea or coffee? Coffee. Can't live without it.
Top childhood movie: The Little Mermaid
Karaoke favorite: Let's Give Em' Something To Talk About - Bonnie Raitt. Always a crowd pleaser.
Hidden talent: Double Jointed. I can turn my arms all the way around. It's pretty gross.
Sports team of choice: New York Mets
I’m watching: LOST. Over and over again. Will be my favorite show no matter how much time passes.
Go-to ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite superhero: Batman. Has to be Val Kilmer.