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Adam Kirkland

Adam Kirkland

Account Executive
How I drive performance: What can I do to be better today than I was yesterday?
Something you don't know about me: Proud father of a Bulldog
Words to live by: "If you ain't first, you're last."
Favorite food: Steak
When I’m not working: Reading
Tea or coffee? COFFEE
Social media platform of choice: Snapchat
Top childhood movie: Harry Potter. Still applies today...
Karaoke favorite: Bohemian Rhapsody
Hidden talent: Must be pretty hidden because I can't find it
Sports team of choice: Green Bay Packers & New Jersey Devils
If I owned a shop, I would sell: Anything and everything
Top three dinner guests: Michael Scott, Larry David & John Daly
I’m watching: Whatever grabs my attention
I’m reading: The Wheel of Time
What’s your wallpaper? My dog, Murphy
Pirates or ninjas? Pirates
I'm no Jamie Oliver, but I can whip up a delicious: Egg Sandwich
Star Wars or Star Trek? Harry Potter
Dream vacation destination: Ireland
Title of my as-yet-unwritten autobiography: Anyone Want a Good Laugh?
First purchase after winning the lottery: A brewery
My spirit animal: Liger (mix between a Lion and a Tiger)
Where’s Waldo? Good question
Top of my bucket list: To watch a Green Bay Packers game in Lambeau Field
If I were a meme: Mr Krabs looking all disoriented