Every month comes with new review updates from Google. With them looking to become the premier review platform for every type of business from restaurants to lawyers, it is not a surprise that Google is now encouraging users to add even more substantive information to their feedback. There are currently new data fields available for some users when leaving reviews on not only restaurant but any other business categories which has attributes that can come into special focus.
In addition to the original star rating, review text, and photos, reviewers may find themselves prompted to give additional information on:
These fields are marked as “(beta)” to the reviewer, but not in the location’s listing. Any information included in these “beta” review fields will always show as proper reviews on the business. There is no avoiding these more substantive reviews on Google and as more users are included into the “beta” program, it will eventually be commonplace to see these in-depth and attribute specific reviews everywhere.
Review when writing:
Review on listing:
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