Monthly Archives: July 2012

The Best Kind of Test–One Where We Give You the Answers!

When the Internet emerged as a new media outlet, one of the elements that no doubt set it apart from traditional media was its reporting capabilities.  While popular media like radio, TV, and newspapers could merely estimate usage by consumers, none of them could provide concrete statistics on how many people actually interacted with an […]

No more anonymous reviews?

Google’s decision last May to replace the Places channel with the new, socially-integrated Google+ Local has led to a new interface and some new features. Among these, some changes were made to the way Google handles local business reviews. Now, in order to post a review, you need to be logged into your Google+ account. […]

Why Subdomains Are Not Bad for SEO

One of the biggest pitfalls of adhering to so-called “SEO best practices” is that human beings are creatures of habit. As such, we cling to ideas that have been relevant to us based on personal experience, sometimes in the face of all logic (just look at all of the websites still using the keyword meta […]

Over 50% of Seniors Now Online

In previous years, companies with older demographics haven’t always aggressively pursued the online market, believing that their target customers are more likely to be using traditional media sources than online search tools. While seniors still use the Internet less often than other generations, this consumer segment is becoming more and more tech savvy by the year, […]

Do Canadians and Americans Search Differently?

DAC/Kantar Media’s yearly media usage study looks at buying behavior separately in the U.S. and Canada. The two countries share a border, but do they share the same media usage habits? In many questions, the similarities between American and Canadian respondents were striking. However, there are still some notable differences between U.S. and Canadian shoppers. […]