Tag Archives: social media

Discover the power of TikTok advertising: Proven strategies for success

TikTok, the short-form video app that has taken the world by storm, has also proven to be a valuable platform for digital advertising. With a highly engaged user base and a range of targeting and advertising options, TikTok offers a unique opportunity for businesses to reach and connect with their audience in fresh and engaging […]

TikTok: The New Social Platform Making Waves

There’s a new kid on the block. Just when we started to think that Facebook and Google have almost completely taken over with their social media weaponry—Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube (Twitter and LinkedIn sold separately)—something new springs forth, grabbing the collective attention of the next generation. We were getting bored of the old guard anyway… […]

Staying Power: The Importance of Review Management for Hotels

Gone are the days of consumers complaining to no avail. Thanks to the advent of the internet and social media, customer complaints no longer fall on deaf ears—quite the opposite, in fact. Nowadays, online reviews and their impact are amplified, reaching a vast audience. In this post, we explore how reviews affect the online reputation […]

Instagram Announces a “Significant Step Forward for Shopping”

Instagram announced on March 19th 2019 that they are adding a new way for people to buy products they discover on the app. Consumers in the US can purchase items directly on Instagram’s app from over 20 different brands, including Zara, H&M, Outdoor Voices, and Uniqlo. The checkout feature will allow people to make purchases […]

3 Content Strategy Trends to Prioritize in 2019

It seems like just yesterday that we were making our content strategy predictions for 2018. Last year, we looked at the rise of voice search, local content strategies, and increased content promotion as the trends set to dominate the industry. Those trends have become the new normal for content strategists, and we’re gazing into our […]

Marketing to Millennials: A Generation Balancing Nostalgia and Digital Transformation

Exploring behavioral insights and marketing trends within North America and Europe. Millennials are a demographic age group born between 1981 and 2000. In North America, they represent about 20-25% of the population; in France, Germany, and the UK, they represent about 15-20% of the population. Millennials have been called the entitled generation for being spoon-fed […]

What the Changes to Facebook’s Newsfeed Mean for Marketers

Over the next few weeks, Facebook will be making the most significant shift to the News Feed that they have in years. The updated algorithm will prioritize what users’ friends and family share, while de-emphasizing content shared by publishers and brands. The rationale for this, per Facebook, is that it will enrich users’ feeds with […]

How to Make the Most of Your Localized Content Strategy

Things change lightning-quick in the digital world, so if you’re thinking of duplicating your content marketing strategy for 2018, think again. Last year, we wrote about our top digital marketing predictions for content, including intelligent/predictive content, digital asset management, data-driven content marketing, influencers and execution. Those trends continue to shape the work we do every […]

280-Character Tweets: The Debate

The Internet is all a-twitter with the news: instead of the 140-character limit that has existed since the inception of the network, some Twitter users are getting the ability to double their tweet length to a whopping 280 characters. This news is dividing users sharply. Are longer tweets a good thing or a bad thing? […]