Tag Archives: social media

3 Content Strategy Trends to Prioritise in 2019

It seems like just yesterday that we were making our content strategy predictions for 2018. Last year, we looked at the rise of voice search, local content strategies, and increased content promotion as the trends set to dominate the industry. Those trends have become the new normal for content strategists, and we’re gazing into our […]

What the Changes to Facebook’s Newsfeed Mean for Marketers

Over the next few weeks, Facebook will be making the most significant shift to the News Feed that they have in years. The updated algorithm will prioritize what users’ friends and family share, while de-emphasizing content shared by publishers and brands. The rationale for this, per Facebook, is that it will enrich users’ feeds with […]

Coca-Cola: Why Social is More Than Just Buzz

A senior marketing executive at Coca-Cola sent the digital marketing world reeling when he told a conference audience that he sees no link between social media marketing and sales. Well, no, actually, he didn’t. What Eric Schmidt, senior manager of marketing strategy and insights at Coca-Cola, actually said was this: “But when Coca-Cola put buzz […]