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Google Adds "Nearby Events and Deals" and Hotel Comparison Pricing Feature

January 29, 2024 /
Restaurants and Hospitality / Google Business Profile 

Google has been testing out a new local search box titled “Nearby events and deals.” The title is rather self-explanatory but what is important to note is where Google pulls this information from. Google relies heavily on its first-party software, meaning that this new feature will pull almost entirely from Google Business Profiles. This means if businesses want to be featured in this “Nearby events and deals” tab when it’s fully rolled out, they should get in the practice of making Google Posts right now. There are “offer” and “event” post types currently available when making posts on one’s Google Business Profile, and that is exactly what Google pulls from to generate the content of this new tab.

Additionally, Google created another Google Business Profile feature for hotels. Hotel managers can now “view market comparisons” on their listings, showing how your hotel is priced against competition in the area. This feature is still new, thereby not available to everyone yet, but Google is likely to push this out to the remainder of hospitality businesses in the near future. Google pushed hard with Google Travel during 2020 and is continuing that trend going into 2024. Trying to outdo websites like Trip Advisor and Kayak, Google wants to become an all-in-one travel planning and booking solution.

For hotel owners who want to use this new price comparison feature, they can simply search for their hotel name under the Google account that has access to it. Then they can click on the “View market comparison” link and the rest of the information will be available under “Learn how your rates compare to other properties.”