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Audio killed the video star? How audio drives engagement in the age of multi-screening
Orli Millstein | July 7, 2020
🎧 Listen to this post You may have noticed a trend emerge in the past couple of years that has content creators—ranging from news outlets to scholarly article resources—offering readers the option to listen to…
Latest Instagram Update Hides Like Count
Orli Millstein | May 6, 2019
Instagram has begun testing a significant change to its platform—removing the public like count and making this metric visible only to the content creator. The test has been rolled out to a select group of…
RE: How to Stop Sending Terrible Emails
Orli Millstein | January 8, 2019
How many emails did you receive today? This afternoon? Or even in the last hour? Probably more than you care to count. The Inbox Zero dream is definitely dead. Consider this: Today, there are 8…