Gavin Bowick, an accomplished professional, embarked on his journey with DAC at the Edinburgh office in May 2019. Currently serving as the Lead for Web Analytics in the Proove Intelligence team, Gavin is fueled by the boundless possibilities in data analysis and statistical modeling, particularly in marketing mix models. Leveraging a diverse range of tools and the collective expertise of his team, he thrives on uncovering new insights and identifying growth opportunities for clients. With a solid background in scientific research and marketing management, Gavin’s work is driven by a passion for discovery and guided by statistical confidence, ensuring robust and reliable outcomes.
Good news: You’ve decided to abandon last-click attribution measurement and made a firm resolution this year to step up your media attribution analysis game. Was losing third-party cookies and your ability to measure channel performance the…
In part one of this two-part series, we explored how reporting dashboards can be used to break your data out of silos to help you see the bigger picture of your marketing performance—and save countless…
If there’s one thing the digital marketing revolution has given us, it’s data. With metrics being thrown at us from myriad sources, most of us probably have more numbers than we know what to do…