Tag Archives: Search Engine Optimization

Here’s Why Google’s Latest Mobile Update Will Be Great For Business

Today everyone has the internet in their pocket, but the mobile web is at odds with what users do on the web, which is search and browse. Brands should be keeping up with this user behavior, however many haven’t been and have faced negatives changes in their performance. People bounce. If the page doesn’t load within […]

How To Take Your Business Global: A Tactical SEO Guide

If you’re in Digital Marketing, you’re probably familiar with the term “Glocal.” It’s about thinking global but acting local. Thanks to the internet, everyone’s your neighbor (yes, even that wild-haired hoarder who lives down the hallway) and taking your brand global has never been more opportune. But having the ambition to launch a grand, global strategy […]

Laying the SEO Foundation of your Digital Home

In digital marketing, we often find that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an afterthought for large brands looking to make a splash in the online space. A combination of lack of understanding, minimal immediate results and a perceived difficulty in measuring the ROI are often the reason for this. As a result, a great deal […]

Google’s Domain Crowding Problem

Search quality has undoubtedly been Google’s watchword over the past 18 months, as unprecedentedly prickly algorithm updates have sent shock-waves through the SEO community. As search marketers have squawked and scrambled to adjust, Google has firmly stood by its message of making the experience better for the user. Set against this backdrop, the problems that […]

Has Penguin Finally Killed Link Building?

Since Matt Cutts announced the Penguin update some weeks ago (aka, the over-optimization penalty), the SEO industry has been trying to figure out exactly what it means. Penguin officially rolled out late last month, and there have been a whole passel of accounts of sites getting hit pretty hard. In the official post on the […]

5 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools You Should Be Using in 2012

I am going to start by assuming that social media is already a key part of your marketing strategy (if it’s not, please watch the video below, and take a giant leap into the present). Now, for those of you who are active in social media, I’m sure many of you will attest, implementing social media […]

DAC to Lead CMA Seminar

On Thursday, April 12, 2012 DAC’s Ken Dobell, President of Digital, Dan Temby, Vice-President of Digital Platforms, Nasser Sahlool, Vice-President of Client Strategy, and Jon Dyer, Vice-President of Media will lead a one-day Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) intensive seminar in Toronto titled “Lead Generation Minus the Guesswork”. The seminar will feature engaging presentations, interactive working sessions, real-world […]

What Google really wants from Search Plus Your World

Most of the world’s conflicts can be boiled down to a pretty simple cause: you have something,  I want it, and if you don’t give it to me I’ll get it from you one way or another. The ongoing dust up between Google and the web’s social media titans is no exception. When Google launched Google Search […]