Monthly Archives: December 2011

Trend watch: People watching less television, more online video

Two statistics from the Canadian market caught my eye last week that both speak to a trend: People are consuming more video content than ever… but it’s not on their television. First, ComScore released its findings that Canadians watch the most online videos in the world (out of markets being tracked). In October of this […]

DAC breakfast with Google at the Spoke Club

Today we had the pleasure of hosting the first of a series of cross country events with our partners at Google. The breakfast, held at the Spoke Club in downtown Toronto was well attended by DAC client partners and featured content by Pepe Lopez de Ayala (Google), Nectarios Economakis (Google) and Jeremy Butteriss (Google) as […]

Online Privacy Continues to be of Concern

Privacy concerns have been in the news lately. Three seemingly unrelated stories from the past few weeks tie together to tell a story about what’s happening in the digital world: In October, Google announced changes in how encrypted search data is tracked: people who are logged into their Google account will be directed to the […]

Results of the 2011 DAC and Kantar Search Landscape Study

For the third year, we have conducted proprietary research on the online and offline search habits of Canadians and Americans. This three-wave study includes research from Kantar and comScore. DAC’s research was then divided along regional and country lines to glean a clear perspective on the trends and commonalities throughout each region and country. The […]

SMX Social Media Marketing Day 1 recap – the Marvin Gaye Experience

I have a playlist on my iPod that is simply titled ‘awesome’. I know that’s unimaginative, but sometimes it’s necessary to cut to the chase if you need to prepare for a big day/event/meeting. It’s not subtle. It’s direct and it gets me going. My ‘awesome’ playlist includes a bit of James Brown riffing on […]