Monthly Archives: June 2017

DAC and Ad Age Bring the Power of Local to Cannes

According to a recent study conducted by AdAge, local digital advertising budgets are getting bigger. But with only one third of marketers confident in their ability to successfully integrate all the necessary elements into those campaigns, we headed to Cannes to shed some light on the subject over brunch! VP Client Strategy, Nasser Sahlool, joined […]

Minimize Customer Churn with Aligned Digital Strategy

In part one of this three part series on using aligned digital media strategies to boost business objectives, I reviewed considerations for new customer acquisition via digital channels and tactics. While acquisition remains a top priority for marketers today, it is equally important to retain those customers once they’re acquired. Customers dictate their relationships with […]

Whitepaper: Customer-First Approach is Key for Retailer Marketers

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest white paper, Customer-First Retail, examining the importance of local and customer experience for retailers hoping to connect with today’s digital-first shoppers. As we witness the biggest wave of store closures in decades, personalized customer experiences and a strong omnichannel approach are key differentiators for North […]