Monthly Archives: November 2012

Social Media for Lead Generation Finally Getting Its Due

My social media feeds are full of people looking for things. This morning, a friend of mine who is a parent of young toddlers posted a desperate plea on Facebook for a recommendation for a maid service. Another was travelling to China on business and was seeking a reliable VPN service to bypass the Great […]

Responsive Web Design’s Crucial Role in Marketing

Entering my third hour of leaf raking and yard clean up the other day, I knew there had to be an easier way. No matter how many leaves I piled up on my tarp and pulled back to my compost pile, it felt like I wasn’t even making a dent. I had blisters on my […]

Mobile Usability Meets Cognitive Psychology at Usability Week 2012

Not even Hurricane Sandy could stop the Nielsen Norman Group. While New York battened down the hatches, I was lucky enough to take part in Usability Week 2012: a series of common sense workshops on how to make interfaces imminently more usable. It’s not a stretch to say that Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman invented […]