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Dan Lauer

Dan Lauer

SEO Strategist | Meteorologist turned SEO Pro
How I drive performance: Have to listen to the customer first. Listening is the first and most important step. Then analyzing the data and letting the data help drive the decisions based on the goals.
Something you don't know about me: My B.S. in college is actually in Meteorology.
Words to live by: "If it is to be, it is up to me."
Favorite food: Cheeseburgers and Mac N Cheese - preferably together
When I’m not working: Coaching my sons in baseball, playing ball hockey, running
Tea or coffee? Chai Tea
Website I can’t live without: Any weather website
If I had a superpower: Combine Dr. Strange with Thor.
Social media platform of choice: Instagram or LinkedIn
Top childhood movie: Tie between Ghostbusters and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Karaoke favorite: Watching people do this, rather than participate :)
Hidden talent: Really good memory - like an elephant.
Sports team of choice: Chicago Cubs
If I owned a shop, I would sell: Probably start my own weather forecasting consulting company?
Top three dinner guests: President Obama, Benjamin Franklin, Elon Musk
I’m watching: Chicago Fire, and PD, Walking Dead, and probably some sort of sports.
I’m reading: Nothing right now - I read a lot of blogs though.
Work BFF: Since I work from home I guess it's my dog - Rudy?
App I can’t live without: My RadarScope weather radar app - only app I pay for
What’s your wallpaper? Default Microsoft Stary Night Sky
Last ad I loved: Love the Mr. Mayhem insurance commercials
Pirates or ninjas? Pirate Ninjas
I'm no Jamie Oliver, but I can whip up a delicious: Beer Can Chicken on the grill
Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
Dream vacation destination: Great Barrier Reef
In the movie of my life, I would be played by: Ben Savage from Boy Meets World
Title of my as-yet-unwritten autobiography: The under estimated
My morning routine: 3 to 5 mile run, shower, drink some chai tea with a pop-tart, and read SEO industry articles and check the weather for the day.
First purchase after winning the lottery: A ticket on a SpaceX private mission.
Go-to ice cream flavor: Butter Pecan
Favorite superhero: Dr. Strange or Iron Man
My spirit animal: Dog
Brand I admire: SpaceX
Where’s Waldo? In a book somewhere
If I was trending, my hashtag would be: #quaratinerunstreak - I started a running streak in March 2020 and haven't stopped - over 775 consecutive days as of April 2022!
It’s Friday, I’m… Getting ready for a weekend with the kids/family - probably doing lot's of sports!
Top of my bucket list: Visit Space
If I were a meme: Something with Homer Simpson