Following the success of our DAC Banana Bread Bake Off, we hosted a family-friendly virtual event led by baker extraordinaire Pam Piligian, Senior VP, Marketing & Advertising at Navy Federal Credit Union.
This exclusive Baking with Bankers event brought together some of the sharpest minds in finance marketing with one goal in mind: whipping up some truly delicious double-chocolate brownies.
Sharing priceless insights into the economic and social impact of 2020, we discussed the lessons learned in financial services sector—including our most surprising experiences, how we’re planning ahead as marketers, and how to remain flexible in a disrupted digital space.
Whip up your own double-chocolate brownies and drop in on the conversation by downloading the recipe card and baking along with the video below. Don’t forget to show off your creation with the tag #DMFSDACBakeOff!
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