On November 29 for the next Les Affaires conference on women’s leadership, Fanny Mooijekind, our General Manager at DAC Montreal, will be sharing her perspectives during a conversation on leadership and intergenerational sisterhood!
In an ever-changing world, your concerns as leaders are multiple and complex. From developing effective leadership to managing change, to the need to innovate and adapt, the challenges you face are many. What if joining forces with women of different generations was one of the keys to meeting these challenges? During this unique one-day conference, discover the crucial issues facing us today, such as knowledge transmission, intergenerational collaboration and managing differences. Together, let’s explore strategies for fostering innovation, promoting diverse perspectives and strengthening intergenerational relationships within teams.
Join us for this must-attend conference dedicated to women leaders, and take part in a true intergenerational revolution! Let’s turn challenges into opportunities, build strong bonds and pave the way for stronger female leadership.
(The conference will be held in French only)