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Jenna Cekuta

Jenna Cekuta

Account Executive | Nickname: None

Jenna is from Webster, NY and graduated from SUNY Oneonta with a bachelor’s degree in Music Industry and a minor in Audio Arts Production. She has worked with many artists, festivals, and venues by organizing and promoting a variety of events in and outside of her educational career. By doing so, she discovered that her aspirations lay within the marketing industry, where she can directly make a difference by connecting consumers to a market.

During her free time, Jenna spends time listening to music (mostly Taylor Swift), playing the guitar and spending as much time outside as possible, especially if there’s live music. She also enjoys reading, watching sit-coms, and playing with her dogs, Bella and Sally!

App I can’t live without: NYT games (it’s a bad day if I forget to do the Wordle)
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?: Taylor Swift
Favorite childhood movie: Finding Nemo
Dogs or cats: Dogs ALL the way!!
Fun fact about yourself: I love everything about the ocean! Sea turtles are my favorite animal, and I have gone swimming with them in the wild!