Before we crack open the Prosecco, and settle down to watch It’s a Wonderful Life for the hundredth time, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you, our valued readers, for the time that you’ve spent here on the blog. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our content, and found it helpful. We would also love to thank our clients for their ongoing support, during what has been a busy and eventful year. 2015 has seen some exciting changes for Make it Rain, following our acquisition in April by DAC, and David Jowett’s arrival soon after as President of DAC Europe, to help move the business forward into Europe. We’ve enjoyed taking the lead on exciting new work for our clients, and some big client wins…and of course we’ve had lots of fun along the way.
This has also been a significant year for local search too, and we’ve seen the tech giants of this world, namely Google, Facebook, Apple and even Pinterest, muscle in on the local business directory and online mapping space. Next year is already shaping up to be a big one, and we believe 2016 is the year that we will see a pay-per-click model introduced into local search, as Google in particular attempts to monetise the channel. We’ll be back on the blog next year with our commentary on what’s happening within the industry, our observations on emerging trends, and our best practice advice to help make sure you’re on top of all things digital. In the meantime, if you’re planning some New Year’s Resolutions, and can take some time out of your hectic schedule during the holiday period, we recommend this TED Talk playlist of 12 ‘Talks to inspire New Year’s Resolutions’. These will help you to make resolutions that reflect your core values, and will make you more confident and open to change. So for now, we wish you a very happy and restful Christmas, and we’ll see you back here in the New Year! Cheers!