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Bloo hire Make It Rain to enhance digital footprint

Bloo hire Make It Rain to enhance digital footprint

Monday, January 25, 2016

Make It Rain are pleased to announce that Bloo, the toilet cleaner owned by the Jeyes Group, have enlisted our services to build brand awareness around the range of Bloo products. Historically speaking the brand have used traditional advertising channels with little focus on digital. Make It Rain were approached to assist in this. The objective is to work together to enhance the brand’s digital presence through a range of tactics including social media and soft programmatic display advertising. Mel Billows, marketing controller said of the appointment, “With some exciting new product launches on the horizon and a nationwide ‘Bloo (Blue) Mondays’ campaign in the works, Bloo needed an agency which was not only performance driven, but creative in its approach and that understood how to develop a brand’s digital footprint. Make It Rain have demonstrated a strong track record in achieving this.” “Bloo is a very exciting challenger brand that isn’t afraid of taking risks – we plan to support Bloo in harnessing and growing their digital presence through dedicated, strategic and performance based digital activity,” said Lauren Jones, director of operations and technology at Make It Rain. Founded in 1875, the Jeyes Group has five main brands; Bloo, Parozone, Easy, Jeyes Fluid and Quickie.

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