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Sara Carlton

Sara Carlton

Account Team Lead | Nickname: The Bookworm

Sara is an Account Team Lead at DAC. She graduated from St. John Fisher University in Rochester, NY, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and a Master of Business Administration. Before joining the DAC team, Sara worked in retail store management, overseeing the merchandising team and enhancing her customer service skills. DAC was her introduction to the working world of marketing. The most cherished aspect of her job has been developing relationships with not only her coworkers but also her clients and assisting them in crafting the most effective marketing strategies for their businesses.   

When she’s not at work, Sara spends her time with her family, friends, and her two cats, Mina and Tilly. She is often found at a local bookstore, scouting for the latest book releases, or at a local restaurant trying the signature dish on the menu. Once the football season rolls around, you will find her cheering on the Buffalo Bills! 

Une App dont je ne peux pas me passer : Libby (free eBooks and audiobooks)! Being a huge reader, I could truly not live without this app!
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?: Elton John
Favorite childhood movie: The Lion King
Dogs or cats: I love both! But my cats, Mina and Tilly, have me swaying towards cats!
Fun fact about yourself: I have seven nieces/nephews!