Tag Archives: ambergreen

Customer Journey Analysis: A Beginner’s Guide

Ready to crank up the conversions? This is a beginner’s guide to the Customer Journey Analysis, our method of drawing actionable insights from a site’s user behaviour. Just imagine understanding your customers’ needs, their behaviours, their decision-making processes. With the Customer Journey Analysis, it’s more than possible – it’s guaranteed.

8 Free Marketing Tools You’ll Absolutely Love

You don’t have to be a Photoshop expert to create awesome graphics or be an SEO whiz to find the best keywords. There are plenty of free marketing tools out there to make your life easier – and make your marketing better. We’ve rounded up some of the best and listed them just for you […]

PPC Travel Sector Checklist for Your Summer Campaigns

With the summer season just around the corner, many of us are busy finalising our holiday plans. But for travel sector companies, it’s just the opposite: summer marks the beginning of a peak season. After years of experience in the travel sector, we’ve found that setting up paid media campaigns is a lot like preparing […]

Content Silos: The Cycle of SEO Success

When people think of digital marketing, they probably think of SEO. Even people with only a general awareness of digital marketing have probably heard of SEO (even if they don’t know what all the letters mean). For those of us who live and breathe SEO, the search for the latest tactics is always on our […]

Content Marketing that caught the Ambergreen eye in October 2015

No company exists in isolation, you have to be aware of the latest trends and developments in your sector and you have to give yourself the opportunity to be inspired by others. At Ambergreen, we’ve always got our eyes and ears open to quality content marketing and – where it’s merited – we’re big enough […]

Change in Travel Sector Social Media Infographic

The travel sector is used to change – it’s the only thing that’s stayed constant since the dawn of the digital age. From the evolution of search engines to data-driven social engagement, customers expect to be empowered to make their own travel decisions, based on their own needs and user-generated recommendations. It’s what has fueled the rise […]

What the Rugby World Cup taught me about digital marketing

If you’re anything like me, you are loving every minute of the Rugby World Cup so far. The shock win by Japan over South Africa was a dramatic start, and with both England and Scotland on great form (even despite the loss to Wales last weekend) I’m a happy man! Then I read Ross’ post […]

Our Latest Recruit: Mark Proctor – Head of SEO

Today we are introducing our latest recruit to the team; Mark Proctor, who is joining us as Head of SEO GW: How are you? Welcome on-board to Ambergreen. You’ve been brought on board as Head of SEO. As the latest recruit, could you tell me a little about yourself and why the change to Ambergreen. MP: Okay, […]

Enterprise Digital Marketing for the Travel Sector

We have watched a lot of travel brands change hands over the years as companies have been bought over and brand names have sometimes changed as a result of this. The larger enterprise players in the travel sector have capitalised on their brand wealth but have not always been aware of the specific details of […]