The current search market is highly fragmented, with BIA/Kelsey reporting that consumers now use an average of 7.9 sources when shopping for local products or services. Shoppers have more choices now than ever before, and for the small business owner it’s no longer just about being out there where consumers might be looking but being everywhere consumers are looking. DAC believes in the value of a multimedia approach, and the introduction of publisher Print and Internet Yellow Pages (IYP) bundles has made the option even easier and more affordable for small businesses.
Just how valuable is it to add IYP to a print Yellow Pages program? Metered ad tests by CRM Associates reviewed 1,280 advertisers using a print display ad bundled with an IYP placement. The study was done across two years and looked at 319 directory headings. The average amount of calls advertisers received from print advertisements was about 142 calls, with an average of 66 calls coming from IYP listings. Data showed that when adding IYP, the median increase in calls was 47%.
There is concern among some advertisers that an IYP placement will not reach any new customers, but rather will be reaching the same set of shoppers that are searching for them in Print Yellow Pages. We have found this to be simply untrue, with the most recent TNS/Intermedia Shopping Study finding that only about 9% of consumers that reference print Yellow Pages for a product or service also look at that same heading in Internet Yellow Pages. The benefits are additive with very little overlap between the two consumer groups.
Looking for even more unique exposures? Many publishers offer add-ons with their bundles, such as mobile placements or opportunities to advertise in direct mailers and local community magazines. Better yet, nearly all bundles include complimentary remote call forward tracking lines that allow advertisers to measure the success of multimedia campaigns.
Print and Internet Yellow pages are complementary products. Advertisers are able to reach more consumers by appearing in both mediums. While print is still dominant, IYP usage is growing in numerous categories and adding IYP placements to a print program can significantly increase brand exposure, expected calls and overall sales ROI.
Interested in finding out more? Contact us today!
Rebecca Frantz, Marketing Research Assistant