Tag Archives: listings management

Google launches major “helpful content” algorithm update

Even during the laziest days of late summer, the world of local search keeps turning. In fact, this August brought more than its fair share of major changes and noticeable updates. Here’s all the helpful content you need to stay ahead of the game. “Helpful content” is Google’s new priority in search Following in the […]

Instantly boost your Google My Business rankings by removing spam

Googles finds more than 25 billion spam-filled pages every day. Last year, Google users submitted more than 230,000 reports of spam, 82% of which resulted in pages being taken down. Very simply, spam is part of the experience when it comes to internet staples like Google Maps and Google My Business (GMB)—but some suffer its […]

Local SEO Pt. 3 – Bringing It All Together

In the first blog post of this three-part series, I identified why together, mobile and Google will dominate the near-future of all online search for a physical business. If you think about Google search’s current data set and mobile reach, combined with their algorithms, processes, historical knowledge and machine based learning, they’re destined to determine […]