Tag Archives: insights

Marketing to Millennials: A Generation Balancing Nostalgia and Digital Transformation

Exploring behavioral insights and marketing trends within North America and Europe. Millennials are a demographic age group born between 1981 and 2000. In North America, they represent about 20-25% of the population; in France, Germany, and the UK, they represent about 15-20% of the population. Millennials have been called the entitled generation for being spoon-fed […]

5 Essential SEO Predictions to Watch in 2016

As we ring in a new year, we SEOers will once again look to staying one step ahead of Google’s algorithm updates. Will we see another Mobilegeddon? Will Twitter set up a permanent nest in the SERPs? Will Google+ find its purpose in life? In the ever-changing landscape of search marketing, speculating on future advancements […]