Tag Archives: algorithm

Here’s Why Google’s Latest Mobile Update Will Be Great For Business

Today everyone has the internet in their pocket, but the mobile web is at odds with what users do on the web, which is search and browse. Brands should be keeping up with this user behavior, however many haven’t been and have faced negatives changes in their performance. People bounce. If the page doesn’t load within […]

Not ready for Google’s mobile update? Here’s what you can do

These days, Google isn’t really trying to hide that fact that they’re pretty frustrated with the pace of mobile-friendly content development across the Internet. That’s why it wasn’t terribly surprising when the search giant took the unprecedented step of telling websites to get mobile friendly or else. As you’ve probably heard by now, on April 21st […]

What Hummingbird Means for Paid Search

When you lead a paid search team, it’s tempting to sit back and breathe a sigh of relief when a major Google algorithm update like Hummingbird is announced. Let the SEO’s handle this one, right? After all, we’re still recovering from Enhanced Campaigns. Tempting, perhaps, but certainly not wise. Any change to the way Google […]